Prologue: The end of MIT, the beginning of wanderlust Julia
Summer 2008
Welcome to the chronicles of my wanderlust :-) Everything this upcoming year brings --- (I think) this is what I have been wanting for a long while.
My last few days at MIT were absolutely amazing, I'm not even going to try to describe it. But those who know, know :-)
As much as I have come to enjoy (I don't think I can say love yet, but maybe almost?) MIT over this past year, the eternal wanderlust of my heart will not quiet down. I thought college away from home would pacify me, but I am still restless, even more than before.
Wanderlust is not just about walking, it's an irresistible desire to wander, to travel. Wanderlust is a primitive instinct of the whole body and soul, awake in different levels for different people. For me, it is always awake, never quiet, insatiable -- whispering in my ear, tugging my heartstrings away from wherever I am at present. My gaze constantly wanders off to the distance, to something more than what I have now. I don't know what I am searching for. I am searching for a sense of belonging, a peace of mind, an understanding of beauty... I just know I haven't found it yet.
"It can be understood more at a deep level of the human condition as a search for a new philosophy, religion or place. After gestation in the mind, wanderlust, like a locomotive chugging to final destiny, then takes a body on a restive trip that takes long time to accomplish.
In short, wanderlust is a trip, or a need to understand one's very existence, that starts with the first step of a long journey." (Wiki)