About Me

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I call the living, I mourn the dead, I chase the lightning.

Wanderlust -- "a trip, or a need to understand one's very existence,
that starts with the first step of a long journey"

-- Travels and ramblings -- summer of 08 and beyond ---

Sunday, October 5, 2008

This is England.

I feel like I'm walking around in a quaint 18th century movie, ridiculously out of place.
I love the adorably nice old porters dressed in black suits and black trench coats who know everything under the sun and moon.
Punting along the River Cam and not falling into the water
Sundry of shops and trinkets along windy cobblestone roads
Gorgeous gorgeous green grass that only college Fellows may walk on
You can see stars. stars stars stars bright against the darkness, framed by the top of trees in my field of vision when I walk home alone the road with my face looking up.
Dancing to cheese reminds me of Singapore's Zouk Mambo Jambo.
Horrible, antiquated internet and network connectivity
Such an adventure to find edible cheap food everyday.
British girls and their old school fashion.
I like girls who appreciate good beer.
Unconsciously mimicking a British accent when talking too long to Brits
Not unpacking my room yet.
Freezingly drizzly cold cold yet bright and clear English sky
breathtaking architecture that we call home

>> Rest of Facebook album

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