About Me

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I call the living, I mourn the dead, I chase the lightning.

Wanderlust -- "a trip, or a need to understand one's very existence,
that starts with the first step of a long journey"

-- Travels and ramblings -- summer of 08 and beyond ---

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

it's the little things

that remind me I'm back in the States after 15 months:

getting in the left side of the car, looking right when crossing the street (the obvious ones)

thinking the 0.25 currency denomination is weird and not useful (seriously what other country uses 0.25 over 0.50 coins?)

no longer feeling a natural behavior to tip in restaurants -- rather, an obligation, because this is America

forgetting to throw away my own food at fast food restaurants (oops)

queueing up

meeting at X:00 and waiting around as people arrive ~X:10

seeing a Visit Vermont tourism sign, and for a split second, thinking 1) Vermont is a country 2) "whoa how did Vermont get an advertisement here" ......then realizing, "oh wait, Vermont is a state in the US. and I'm in the US. fail."

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