About Me

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I call the living, I mourn the dead, I chase the lightning.

Wanderlust -- "a trip, or a need to understand one's very existence,
that starts with the first step of a long journey"

-- Travels and ramblings -- summer of 08 and beyond ---

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday night escapade

Welcome to St. James Power Station, a new enormous bar/club complex by Vivo City. This houses like, nine separate bars/clubs? my god. And Wednesday night = Ladies Night = free cover to the whole complex + 10 free drinks. my god times two.

(Shamelessly taken from Wiki)

First stop, the Bellini Room.

It's a smooth jazz bar on the top floor with long long glass walls that overlook two different clubs. They have minimum age requirements of 18 for girls and 23 for guys, eeks o.O

The view from above

Pictures of us at the start of the night:

The whole group

The girls
P.S. Cool liquor bottle wall in the back

haha :D

P.S. No the girls did not each drink all of the 10 free drinks, we were nice and traded off getting free drinks for our boys, aren't they lucky :P Some wine, some cranberry vodka, gin and tonic, screwdriver...

After a bit of chilling we go to Powerhouse... and the night gets started

The Powerhouse tall ceilings make the club sooooo nice, and the DJ was freakin awesome.
(These pictures shamelessly grabbed from the Internet...)

Okay okay I'm not going to put up anyone's embarrassing pictures, here are nice ones :D

Til next time.

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