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I call the living, I mourn the dead, I chase the lightning.

Wanderlust -- "a trip, or a need to understand one's very existence,
that starts with the first step of a long journey"

-- Travels and ramblings -- summer of 08 and beyond ---

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

[- 21W.750 final writing project -]

Scrap \skræp\ "small piece," late 14c., from Old Norse. skrap "scraps, trifles,"
Book \ˈbu̇k\ Old English. boc "book, writing, written document," traditionally from Proto-Germanic.
Scrapbook first recorded 1825
Memory \ˈmem-rē’\ mid-13c., from Anglo-Fr. memorie, from L. memoria, from memor "mindful, remembering," from Proto-Indo-European base *men-/*mon- "think"


A Memory of Scraps of Books :

Random books I read more than five years ago, described purely from my memory in any voice, form, language, detail – whatever thought – that first came to mind. Through my love of literature plus art, this notebook represents how no two human memories are alike, and the erasure, corrosion, distortion of memory that comes with time (akin to Dali’s “Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory”).

~ Julia

[click to read in larger size]

the end.

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